Exhibition Statement
To Go Boldly explores the ways in which contemporary artists look to science fiction as a means of making sense of the present and imagining the future. Using Star Trek as an anchor, the exhibition will explore issues of equality, optimism, alienation, assimilation, and reclamation. It will also consider how popular culture inspires artistic practice, and how artists can express fandom conceptually, and how imaginative storytelling and rich world-building can influence artistic processes. The exhibition is part of a larger exploration of how fandom and science fiction can shape curatorial methodology.
Label Statement, Written by Anik Glaude:
"Claire Scherzinger uses painting, writing, and digital media to depict imagined exo-planetary worlds. The artist is predominantly interested in the Western canon of science fiction and how it has influenced Western entities to envision the future in hopeful and problematic ways. As space colonization begins in earnest, Scherzinger uses imagined worlds as a sandbox within which to dissect and consider common issues found in
science fiction texts, such as resource extraction, colonization, climate preservation, and first contact scenarios. With this work, they aim to inspire hope by imagining better and more inclusive futures for all people, something like the stated objective of Star Trek missions.
In Scherzinger's practice, worldbuilding plays a central role. In 2019, they created a multi-episode audio-drama podcast and published several short stories about Arca, a fictitious blue and green planet located outside our solar system. Some of the first images Scherzinger created depicting Arca's flora, fauna, and inhabitants were Death of the Great Giant and The Origin of Life, which are on view here. The artist invites the viewer to take in the details presented before them, using their imagination to expand beyond what is visible. They caution, however, that space exploration is not without its perils and consequences. We must not repeat the errors of the past and see space as a blank arena to colonize."

Installation View of To Go Boldly, 2024

Installation View of To Go Boldly, 2024

Installation View of To Go Boldly, 2024

Installation View of To Go Boldly, 2024

The Strait
Oil on canvas
40 in x 30 in

Cell Sample No. 4
Oil on paper
9 in x 12 in

Death of the Giant
Oil and spray paint on canvas
92.5 in x 83.5 in

'Scenes from Arca-45672' Installation View
MFA Exhibition, 2019 University of Victoria
Documentation photo by Levi Glass